Thursday 24 April 2014

Do Over!

My weight skyrocketed to 105kgs after camping and Easter from too much chocolate and chips. I felt really unattractive and I also felt like I had entered a danger zone. Which I had as my blood pressure was high.

So on Easter Sunday I decided to go back to my old faithful Calorie King. What I have been eating and am planning to eat is up there, my calorie king name is Reu, pleased to meet you :) . Its not perfect, I do have a bit of a life, but it has been good enough to give me a loss of 2.3 kilos in four days!


My sister-in-law had gastric bypass surgery and she has been advised by her dietician to have around 1000 calories a day. So I am trying for 1000 calories a day too, I figure it worked well for her. I haven't managed to actually pull that off. It seems that I always go over so I do better aiming for lower and accidentally going over has been good damage control.

I have thought about the weight "debt" that I have and how it is very similar to credit card debt. Like a credit card you can't just stop spending (eating) there are bills to pay (meals to eat) but its about trimming back the excess until you are out of debt.

I have often made this analogy, but I started to realise that I was in house debt as well (so much back log of clutter and disorganisation). I have put in a lot of work over the last month starting to find things a specific home, labelling the box, and labelling the shelf where the box goes). The advantage of this is that ANYBODY who comes into my home can find things and put them away. Which means that I can get help. Up until now it has been my sole responsibility to cook, clean, organise, and sort the kids. Seriously no wonder I accumulated a lot of "debt".

After I organised things a bit, I felt more in a position to tackle my weight. I think there is an analogy between house clutter and body clutter. And after that I came up with a cooking schedule. Basically on Wednesdays, the kids take it in turn to pick and make a dinner. It has to be healthy and budget conscious. I came up with a big list of healthy meals for them. Sundays, Jason (or James while he is living with us) are taking it in turns to cook a dinner. This isn't as hard as it sounds, as basically I organise the food for them, and with the kids they more help me, but they are picking up skills along the way.

So this food plan is a great help, because it allows me to know what I am eating in advance which helps me save calories, save money and time. Its a winner!

I also formalised the chore routine. Essentially at this point its a list on the wall, with morning, afternoon and evening routines. Biweekly, weekly, monthly chores. I am hoping to progress to some automation of the housework and hopefully some more help from the fat cats I live with.

So I am resetting my wieght loss table, full of new hope and off I go!