Operation:Size 16

Operation Size 16

In September 2014 I was a size 18. And it aint pretty. There aren't really any great photos of me at that weight. When you are about 40 kilos overweight there is simply no way to look good. You can look less bad, but not really good. Some photos look okay, some look bad. Here is a bad one of me. I am at my heaviest here 107.6 kilos :(

That was me doing a 4.2 km mountain bike ride. And yes the photographers lie in wait at the tricky points of the track, when you wish they weren't there, and theres no way to avoid them. 

We are going to do another mountain bike event. Its the Freedom Marathon on the 8th of November. I would like to look and feel better when they take my photo. 

The Athlete Shirt

This is the shirt I would like to wear.
It is a size 16 sports shirt.
It is quite stylish.

At 105.5 kilos I tried it on for some "before" pics...

I was surprised that it actually fit. That's a great start :)

But it would look better if I could trim down some of the rolls, the thickness of my arm and that boob overhang you can see over there --->


The event is 3 weeks away and I am aiming to be in the 90's kilos by then. Hopefully I can avoid social events lol.

The Honorary Bridesmaid Dress

This dress is also a size 16 and given that it is not made of lyrca it is a lot less forgiving. In fact at 105.5, I cannot get the zipper over my butt. So in the interest of public safety, there is no before picture lol.

I remember trying it on at 103 and thinking that a good 6 kilos would get the zip done up though.

I have until the 20th of January to fit the dress. The good thing about being an honorary bridesmaid is that no one is focused on fitting me in the dress in advance.

I was a bridesmaid, and loved it, but I needed to step down when Jason was made groomsman (he is Margi's Sister). Jules separation anxiety could cause a scene with both parents unavailable and I was not going to risk spoiling her special day. She was understanding and decided to keep me on as honorary bridesmaid. Which is a testament to her sweet and considerate nature :)

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