2014 M.O

Our main objective for 2014 was to clean the house, have fun with the kids and lose weight.

I expected to achieve this by slowing down. Staying at home more did help focus me, but it would soon be usurped by a social event. I started to be more choosey about who I was spending my time with. This helped save a lot of time. I also saved money by staying home more and having lots of sleep overs for the kids. They all loved it and its been great so far.

We started the year off financially treading water and now we have managed to get ahead with savings. Unfortunately I crashed my car which wiped out 3k worth of savings but it was nice to have savings for such an emergency :)

I slowed my own life down this year which gave me time to reflect. Eventually I realised that despite slowing down I hadn't achieved my dream of losing weight with the house maintanence I had hoped for. When the house was unorganised, Jason used the quieter weekends to just sleep in and recover from the work week. This was not what they were meant for!

One day in August I realised that until I clear my house of the clutter I would always be fat. I realised that the only one motivated enough to do it was me. That I could do a little bit at a time so that I wasn't overwhelmed.

I haven't worried so much about what my husband was doing. If he wanted to sleep the day away he could, but I wasn't going to be a part of it. My weekends have sped up again, and with a cleaner house Jason is now going for lots of bike rides.

The energy is shifting. I just didn't realise how big a task it was going to be. I thought dieting was the task, but it turns out for me. I needed to reduce the overwhelm first. I believe that I am achieving my goal of building the solid foundations which will support us for years to come.

I started out the year not sure if I could handle an extra child. I feel more and more like I can and that it would be an absolute blessing to the rest of us. I can see why he/she waited to join our family.


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