About Me

Hi! Welcome! Nice to meet you :)
I am Lisa.

I am a 36 year old mum to two boys. I live in Brisbane and I am a happy, kind and generous person.

My plan is eating smart, tracking, weighing daily and analysing the calories of what I ate the day after if the scale seems stuck.

No fees, no plans, just eating lots of nutrition dense foods like fruit, veggies and oats, and proteins. I like to be full, and healthy. I am going about this sustainably,  satisfied and healthily.

I wanted this to be a really quick loss. But I am realising this is less realistic. Most people with a lot to lose take a year or two to get there. As much as I can I am steering my social life away from food. Preparing my food ahead of time, and creating safe freezer meals. It is improving my health, waist and wallet. I am also preemptively look for food inspiration. There are a million recipes out there, it doesn't have to be boring!

In mid-September I was 107.6 kilos. A month later I lost 4 kilos. Which I was happy with considering the social pressure of parties, school holidays and parenting. Thats good. And its realistic for me. Then I pretty much plateaued for two months. But my fitness improved a lot.

Its not just me losing weight, its also the love of my life. J

Jason has been huge amounts of exercise and has lost 12 kilos in 4 months. He was 97, is is now 85 he thinks he should be 75 kilos. He has been riding his bike like a demon and restricting his intake and the weight has been moving! How exciting!

Its really odd watching your lover transform. They were sexy before and I was always attracted to him, but now I find myself so drawn to him its ridiculous. I am glad I am losing weight too, but I am on a different, seemingly very much slower journey than him.

We have decided NO TAKEAWAY (other than Subway, Sushi, or Sumo Salads) UNTIL AFTER CHRISTMAS! To lose weight you need to prepare it yourself. Unless you are lucky enough to have a personal chef.

One day it occurred to me that the body fat I was carrying was representative of all the tasks that had built up. I had to address the back log in the home before I would have long term success at losing weight. As I started to address the house clutter and tasks, my body fat began to trim. I discovered that I needed to have food ready to go before I got hungry, particularly cutting up fruit and making dinner. I wrote everything down in a diary.

I was doing really well for a while there and then I derailed as I got very low in iron and magnesium. Nothing like a serious deficiency to derail your project! School holidays have just begun and for the last year I have been losing weight during hoildays. This is because enough stuff stops for me to get some things done for me too.

Once my house and body clutter is under control I am confident my body will be ready for a baby. It would be great to complete my family by having a baby with my amazing husband.

I wanted a baby with him since I was 31, but I had to wait until Jason was ready, then he wanted to get married. We got married when I was 34, and straight away we accidentally fell pregnant (I was 90 kilos, about the same weight as the wedding photo). Sadly I lost it at 8 weeks, and then for the first time in my life I have faced infertility. Its been about two years of trying and no luck. Blood test wise I am fertile.

Here is my first born son, Jules. Hes such a gorgeous boy! He is 11 years old and has autism. He has an adventurous nature and is very loving and kind.

Here he is climbing the tissue at the 2013 end of year circus performance.

I have put a lot of effort into teaching him how to read and speak. His primary disability is that he finds it hard to understand talking. For some reason his brain finds it so hard to interpret what you are saying. (That said he has learned to speak quite a bit through reading books).

Everyone has a soft spot for Jules, he has a great life surrounded by lots of loving people :)

Here is my little guy Geordie! He is 8. He's such a clever little boy. He has some degree of aspergers, he finds it hard to express himself socially, and understand joke. He loves his family and friends and is so wonderful to have as a son.

He was fascinated by this house I grew up in as a kid which was made from a silo and he decided to build it in minecraft.

My two boys are the light of my life. They get along beautifully and balance each other out.

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