Food Plan

Welcome, here is what I have been doing to lose weight.

In September I upped my breakfast oats from a quarter cup to half a cup, I use no added sugar and I sweeten it with fruit. This has been huge in reducing my afternoon cravings. This and social eating was my undoing for earlier in the year!

Keep the fridge clean and stocked with lots of tempting fruit and vegetables and freshly cooked food. 

Know what you are going to eat ahead of time. Have it ready to go. Check your body and when it is hungry then go to eat it. In fact these days I am rarely hungry as I am filled up on lots of vegetables.

Prefer potatoes over bread. This is because potatoes are filling and satisfying and gorgeous. They have a quarter of the calories as bread!.

Don't eat out! Try and meet up just after lunch or dinner. Go to each others houses more, calories in a cafe are not worth it. Restaurants are not worth it. You gain weight and then spend the next few days working that off rather than getting ahead! If you have to eat out, order a salad. You will probably pay way too much for a salad that's worse than you would have made at home, but its not the end of the world. Don't make the mistake of splurging because its a special occasion. Its someone's birthday, anniversary, party Easter, Halloween, or Christmas every other week. You're there to support someone's celebration, doesn't mean you have to set yourself back 4 days of weight loss!

We are having no takeaway besides the salad bar, subway or sushi until after Christmas! As yummy as Thai, Indian, or Chinese is, they cause me to gain a kilo the next day, and is not worth spending the days I could gotten ahead working off that darn extra kilo.  I want to knock off some serious weight untll I even think of takeaway. Also going there would sabotage Jason and thats not going to happen!

Eating lots of vegetables helps fill you up and reduces cravings!

Kids food is evil. Its hard to have your healthy ham and bean soup when they are eating oven pizza and chips! So the best way is to try and meet in the middle a bit more. I say to the kids chips are for weekends, which means that most of the time its reasonably unaccessible. Then they have to remember to ask on the weekends which cuts it down a lot. If they have oven pizza, cut a tiny slice for yourself if you want. Mostly try and get them to eat something that if you ate it too it wouldn't be too bad. Try and eat your food first so you are full by the time they have leftovers. Stabilised blood sugar reduces cravings!

As for their leftovers, remember its a choice of Waste, or Waist!

Try and survive the kids food. They don't like to eat lots of salads and vegetables so it can be really tempting to eat what they are eating, or munch on their left overs so food doesn't get wasted. Seriously, kids are one of the biggest sabotages. 

I like to eat healthily but I also like to eat big. This is where a huge salad with leafy greens, and non starch vegetables is wonderful, you can eat heaps and its still hardly any calories. Just watch out for the oil in the dressing. There is A LOT of calories in a tiny tablespoon of oil. 

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