
Here are some of the rewards I am looking forward to along the way to health. I started out on the 15th of September at 107.6.

5 Kilos Lost
Yay! That really did take me forever but I got there on the 11th of December!

99 kilos
Under 100!

90 kilos
At this weight I am in a size 16, I am not as embarrassed about my thighs in a swimsuit and I don't hear my knees creaking as I walk up stairs (how scary is that?) I have a beautiful light blue flowey dress that is fun to wear at this size. I also have some nice lingerie which looks good at this weight Oohlala! Maybe it makes sense that this was the weight I last got pregnant at lol

88 kilos
This was my wedding weight.

84 kilos
I am no longer "obese", but overweight. I fit into size 14 and the compliments start rolling in :)

79 kilos
This is an awesome weight! 80 is the barrier between fat and chubby for my body, at this weight I have just snuck into the 70's and I feel great! I am in between a size 12 and 14 and most of my glamorous wardrobe is geared around this weight. It's a very fun place to be! I am looking forward to wearing a pink Chinese style dress that I bought off eBay two years ago, my sexy blue velvet dress and red dress which I have had since I was 19.

76 kilos
This is the weight where I go from shorts to skirts as my thighs no longer chafe. I start to live in dresses and skirts and look and feel feminine. It's a wonderful weight to be at!

73 kilos
This was the lowest I got the last time I lost a serious amount of weight in 2008. I found another mini transformation occurred at this weight where I started to be really quite sexy. At this weight I am looking forward to wearing my black military dress and my white wedding dance dress, that I initially bought to dance on at my wedding. I decided to stay in my wedding dress for two reasons, firstly the white dance dress didn't fit and would need altering, and secondly there isn't long that a bride gets to wear her wedding dress, so I wanted to make the most of it.

69 kilos
How fun would it be to be in the sixties again??!? Squeeeee! The last time I was here I was 18. I would get to buy lots of new dresses! Watch out credit card, Mummas going shoppin'!

65 kilos
This is the lowest weight I have ever been as an adult, and I remember looking in the mirror and noticing, very surreally that I was no longer fat. I noticed that I might have had a kilo or two to shift, but I was no longer overweight.

62 kilos
This weight is the middle of my healthy BMI so for now its my goal weight. The mirror and how my body feels will determine my actually healthy stopping point. I have never been this weight as an adult. 18 year goal finally accomplished!

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