Tuesday 17 June 2014

Parties, Parties, Parties!

I think I finally have my head around why it is so hard to lose weight.

The first step is to recognise that what you do or don't do effects your weight.
This is pretty much the hardest step because we already feel so defeated. 

Its about finding the right strategy. 
Whether for you its, high protein, calorie counting, vegan eating etc. You have to find something fairly easy to get results with, and then stick with it long enough to see the results. How I see it is that you need to find a pattern of eating that fills you up, within your boundaries and doesn't take too much effort or time to do.

When we put the effort in we see results... and then we get cocky
Its human nature to try and do things with less effort. We get excited by the results and then we slip, often times we get away with the slip, then it catches up with us and we start to gain. When we stop putting in the same amount of energy we don't get the results.

Parties completely undo about a weeks worth of effort.
My scales are awesome, right now they pretty much reflect how I ate the previous day accurately. And I can tell you when I go out to dinner its about 800g increase, when I go to a party its about a 1.5kg increase. I notice these things pretty consistently as I weigh myself daily. 

Parties are amazing and seriously the stuff memories are made of. But we have to space them out so that we have time to lose the weight back off and make it a bit further before the next one hits.

When we do lose weight Fat thinking makes it easier to rebound.
You are probably heavier than you ever thought you would be, and losing 5 kilos you are still probably heavier than you ever thought you would be. The problem is like our skin, our mind has stretched. Its a bit more comfortable with the wieght than it should be and its easier for the weight to creep back on.

Keeping the weight off takes diligence
You need to be real about whether or not you are gaining or maintaing and kick into gear over the little stuff, otherwise you will be like the majority of people that gain it all back within four years.

You probably knew all of that anyway, but I am getting a real kick out of watching my body respond to whatever I feed it. I never knew I had so much power and that parties were that evil.

My evil time of the day is afternoon tea time. In the past it wouldn't matter  how many calories I consumed I would still want more. I have made a few little tweaks that really help things. I eat more oats at breakfast it seems to curb my cravings a bit in the afternoon. I bake a potato and eat it with the smallest amount of light butter. You heard me. And I loooooovve it. Potatoes are yum! The thing is they are so much more filling than bread with a third of the calories so why not. I get serious contentment for not many calories so it works for me. The other thing I am doing is having cup of soups. They are yummy and effortless so I am pretty happy with that. they are a bit loaded with salt though :(