Wednesday 30 July 2014


Five days ago when I was gardening I noticed that we had termite tracks!!!!

You can see the brown line, thats the mud track they make so that they can "stay underground" and get around the concrete slab into your house!

The Termite Guy came around yesterday and he noted that the tracks were old. He had an infrared camera and we couldn't see any activity, and no obvious damage. This house has steel frames which is amazing.

So that's great news! All clear! They must have poisoned them in the past. I can't believe I missed that for 2 years. See look how much backlog I have been carrying around!

Today has been one of my first slow days in the history of the year so I have managed to make a little meal plan and start to regain my focus. I went for another bike ride today which still kicked my butt, but was a little better than last time.

Monday 28 July 2014

Shift in thinking

For a long time I have thought of the excess fat on our body like a debt. Similar to a credit card debt that racks up when you spend money you don't have, excess body fat is the bill that comes from eating calories you can't afford. What I am realising now though is that it is more than that. The extra fat is actually representative of all debt, not just calorie debt. At least it is for me.

I have a beautiful house. It could be absolutely gorgeous, but it is has sooo many unfinished jobs. To list a few, the exterior needs painting, the gardens need weeding, plants need rearranging, we need new plants. Inside I need to set up Jules' new bed, find homes for many things that "float" around the house because they don't have a home etc. As well as educate my children, do the extra curricular stuff and have fun and maintain friendships. There isn't a lot of time and there is so much to do that it is often overwhelming. My body fat represents the times when it was too hard.

This is why losing weight is so much harder than calories in vs calories out. To lose weight you need to meal plan, shop ahead, keep the kitchen clean, the fridge organised, exercise and limit the eating side of socialising. To do all of that successfully you need to keep your life in order.

With so much pressing on your time you can see why that is so hard to do. But a couple of things have changed to help me start to progress.

* Scheduling some at home days. There is so much to do and most of it needs to be done at home.
* Scheduling and limiting how often I go to the mall. Its a bit of a time waste as you spend time getting there, and back and then putting everything away. Not to mention its hard on the wallet.
* Actively increasing how often I go to the hardware store, including doing workshops to increase my fix-it skills. I am also making friends in there including Marian a 93 year old wonder gardener who gave me lots of cuttings for free!

My curbside garden (above) is starting to have some colour after she helped me understand cuttings!

I am starting to get things done, slowly, slowly. Gardening is exercise, I don't snack while I am doing it and it gets things off the overwhelming-can't-believe-I-haven't-got-to-that-yet-list!

I now have two pretty pots with flowers outside my house.

And Geordie is getting into the herbs after doing the supermarket Jamie Oliver garden books. He is making his own labels, isn't that the cutest thing!

We are starting to do more exercise and have started training for a little mountain bike event in 7 weeks time. Here is Jules with his new flash mountain bike. It has hydraulic disk breaks, fancy gears and a lock out, which is a suspension fork which can be locked and rigid, or loose and springy. Jules is getting a little tummy and it is already getting in the way of his trampolining and circus. I don't want him to suffer like I have so we are getting out more with him.

 This is the fabulous five. They are my friends children that I have know since babydom. They are really good for my children's development. We have them for sleep overs about once a month.  Jason looks after them at night and all the parents, Karen J, Michelle, Nikki and I go and have some girl time.

Kai is the boy at the back on the left. Asha is the girl. They are brother and sister,  children to Karen J (not Karen S). We are going to take Kai to the mountain bike event as well.

One day we girls want to go on a cruise together (quad share) for a few days. It will work out to be about $400 each. I had definitely better lose a bit of weight before that happens!

I went for a ride on Jules bike today. It has amazing brakes!   And a really hard seat so you can't sit down on it. I am glad I have more time to start training for my mountain bike ride. lol.