Wednesday 30 July 2014


Five days ago when I was gardening I noticed that we had termite tracks!!!!

You can see the brown line, thats the mud track they make so that they can "stay underground" and get around the concrete slab into your house!

The Termite Guy came around yesterday and he noted that the tracks were old. He had an infrared camera and we couldn't see any activity, and no obvious damage. This house has steel frames which is amazing.

So that's great news! All clear! They must have poisoned them in the past. I can't believe I missed that for 2 years. See look how much backlog I have been carrying around!

Today has been one of my first slow days in the history of the year so I have managed to make a little meal plan and start to regain my focus. I went for another bike ride today which still kicked my butt, but was a little better than last time.

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