Sunday 29 December 2013

Life gets in the way

Today was going to be a scorcher so I thought it would be nice to do a bit of "me time" shopping. I haven't done that for a while so it would have been great. Life had other plans. Jules separation anxiety is through the roof right now so I wasn't able to leave him. I tried to leave him at Grandmas but he ended up running down the street to try to find me. I left for shopping about 2pm and after staying at grandmas for 45 mins it was 3:50pm by the time I got home. So I really didn't feel like going out for a walk on top of that. Also a friend called to say they were in the neighbourhood and an impending storm was coming. So all in all it wasn't the best timing.

What was wonderful though was that all the extra cleaning I have been doing has been paying off. We had a suprise visitor today, and it was great to not have to do any emergency cleaning!

Food was pretty good because I have been cooking healthy meals most days so its easy to grab smart food. I bought a little pink notebook to start a food and exercise diary.

It's not my dream notebook but you have to start where you're at. People who keep a food diary are twice as likely to lose weight so its an absolute must. I have started writing down what I have been eating and already its obvious that I have room for improvement.

It did surprise me how much a little trip to the shops disrupted my walk. If I had of stayed at home I would have been much more likely to have gone for a walk. I could have gone for a quick one earlier before my friend and the storm came. I love shopping, but it really does take up a lot of resources. Time, money and ENERGY!

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