Monday 30 December 2013

Making progress :)

I went shopping again today. Partly because I had to and partly because I love it. I got some "new" and "improved" notebooks. Seriously if I could shop my way to a good body I would be H-O-T!

I came back home at three and went in our pool with the kids. Get this, I got out, showered and managed to still go for my walk. Baby steps people. Babysteps is what I am counting on to get me to my goals at the end of the year.

Penny is loving me right now, all these trips to the dog park she is in doggie heaven. At the park she tears around like crazy. Shes really fast as she is still so young, only 18 months old. Dog park people are really into chatting to pass the time and they are really friendly. If you want to meet new people, borrow a dog and start going to dog parks lol

I wasn't doing any exercise before this, and this is only my fourth walk. But its amazing how fast it grows on you. I feel like I have been walking for months!

Another super cool thing is that Jason has noticed the house getting tidier and is starting to clean up as well without any prompting. I am also quicker to jump on my kids bad habits because they become a lot more obvious when their shoes or wrapper is the only thing on the floor.

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