Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!

Have you noticed that its a new moon, on the first day of the new year? How is that for a great omen! :)

Today we have had an absolute blast! We went to Dreamworld on New Year's Eve and then stayed with Nicole, Jason's sister. She lives in the Gold Coast so we managed to get in some low key fireworks to welcome in the new year. She was great company and it was nice to rest up for our second day in a row of Dreamworld!

Amazingly it wasn't too busy (maybe everyone was hungover). Dreamworld is in fine form these days with shade and lots of rides so the lines aren't too long. We skipped some of the more popular rides and managed to wait less than 15 mins for each ride! Bliss.

Now that Geordie (7 years old), is old enough to go on decent rides, we bought a few photos to encourage him.

Here he is on his first roller coaster :) He's pretty nervous, but he did really well!

This is his second "scary ride" and actually considering I have spent the last 7 years dealing with "baby rides" it was challenging for me to get on these rides too. But its been really nice to remember how fun these rides actually are.

Especially considering how long it would be between these rides again if I managed to fall pregnant soon.

The classic log ride, doesn't every amusement park have one of these?

When you are going to an amusement park it helps to bring some packed sandwiches, some light treats for afternoon tea and a big bottle of water. Its better to have a bag with compartments so then you don't have to pull everything out to find what you are looking for.

 If the park has a swiming section, go to a cheap store and by the cheapest towels you can find. They will be so thin, that they will take up hardly any space in your bag. This is exactly what you want if you will be carrying around four sets of swimmers, towels and food.

What's the worst thing about going on holidays? The packing and unpacking! I have learned that it is a good idea to have 'going away' sets of things like toothbrushes and toiletries, basic make up kits, rechargers and a small power board. You often get only one power point, especially if you are staying with a friend and we need to recharge two phones and a iPad or two.

We have nice toothbrushes for home, and cheap ones for our getaway pack. I just leave everything in our going away bag.

This considerably cuts down the work of a getaway, and the pain of leaving your good tooth brushes at a friend's house.

Today was a seriously fun entry into the book of 2014! Wishing everyone love and laughter for the year ahead xox

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