Thursday 23 January 2014

Doo Dee Doo

Hump day, hee hee chuckle snort, went really well ;) Jason is getting much better at sex, and the exercise I have been doing makes a HUGE difference :) And now, perfectly on time, like a powerful vortex I am getting sucked in to the dreaded two week wait. I say dreaded, because for the last 17 months we have had mostly well timed sex. Then I get excited, calculate my would be due date, lurk on pregnancy forums and wait. I would tell myself that I am not going to think about it this time, (but I always do). That I will wait until I have missed a period before I test.

Then almost when my period is due I cave, I test and ....there  is only be one line. I will stare and imagine that there is a very very faint second line, but even I realise that there isn't. I will then feel like curling up into a hole, crashing and wallowing. It's best if I am either busy and distracted or able to sleep it off. I console myself a little that it could be still pregnant but that its too early to test. Then the red witch comes with finality and I will forget about it until next month.

It is exciting to think that I could have a little life inside of me. It's important to listen to feelings because they tell you what you really want. There is no real escape from the two week wait when your wanting a baby. This time the only thing I will do differently this time is keep eat well and exercise as well as wait.

Its hard to believe but today is the third day in a row that I have had a home day! Normally I would be getting really anxious to get out of the house, anywhere but here right about now... Maybe I can deal with it all better because I am starting to deal with my own issues. I realise its good to have a few home days because now is the real, recharge that gets everyone ready for school year to start.

"Happy Rain Day Mum!" says Geordie with the cutest grin. Its pouring rain today. Its so nice though, because its not hot, and the rain is wonderful. He is extra happy because he doesn't have to go for a walk.

I do my c25k on the treadmill today watching tv. Its a little harder as you can't slow down just a little bit as the treadmill doesn't work that way. So I jogged at 6 km for the whole session. That's pretty embarrassing actually, but I still completed the session all sweaty. I have now completed week one of c25k! Yes it is a very happy rain day :)

After not leaving the house to do errands for three days some thing happened. I got a bit depressed. The house had gotten so messy. The kids had had a lot of fun pulling things out and not putting them away. It bothered me a lot so I started tidying. And as you know when I tidy I count items. I broke a new record today, my previous record was 1024 items. Today's was... 1124! The house looks great and instead of earnng about $3.50 in reward money, today I earned $9.24 which about triples my average. I am now up to $80 in my little reward pot :) There  going to be some legit pampering coming my way next week when the kids are in school!

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