Monday 13 January 2014

Social Requirements

This week is insane for socialising! So many things to do either because I have been asked a favour, or its someones birthday! My whole week has been booked out before it even began.

Last night I felt like fruit for dessert so I made up a platter at the same time. Great time saver at breakfast and afternoon tea time! Convienience is the key to better snacking.

The first thing I did today was read with my boys because that is the most important thing to do. Then I visited my friend with the newborn to wish her a happy birthday. It was really nice. She put effort in by making pancakes and a fruit platter for us to eat. We chatted for about an hour.

My my brother in law, Rob came over to prepare his trailer for camping. It's so nice to see the cousins have a little chance to bond and get to know each other. Kurt and Gemma, as cute as they are, have shocking eating habits. Its a bit harder for them as they need to be gluten free or they will vomit violently. But they also get away with being extrememely picky. I made them a gorgeous pasta sauce last week and Rob ended up rinsing off the pasta sauce and just giving them pasta and cheese. They came up at lunch time, i didnt feel like putting in heaps of effort for them. Ot to eat it so everyone got noodles for lunch, including me. Just refined white noodles.

This happened for two reasons. Firstly as I only just got back from Karen's, I didnt' have a lot of time to prepare a good lunch. The bigger reason was that it was social to all eat the same thing. Hmmmm that is a habit I need to reflect on huh?

He stayed for hours, which was nice, but I didn't get much done.

Jason took the kids shopping yesterday for a treat. He ended up getting lots of treat foods like chips, orange juice, garlic bread etc. Anyway for the last few times I have used the oven Jules has been excited and hopeful that I have been cooking the garlic bread. So I caved and cooked them up some for part of their dinner.

I made up some veggie soup for my dinner. But the garlic bread was too tempting and I had 4 pieces. My body is NOT happy. I feel sick, yuck and guilty. I must remember that it is changing and I can't eat too much fat in one go anymore.

Looking over the day there has been lots of poor choices: pancakes, noodles, garlic bread. Everyone of those choices has a social element to them. This week is going to be hard, because its about as full as social events as it gets. But I am going to put my brave face on, do the best I can and just keep picking myself up.

This is a touching entry from a blog I am reading at the moment. Its called Escape from obesity and its about how her obesity has affected her children's lives. Here's another one where she talks about seeing a mother jogging, pushing a pram in the rain, and she wishes she had done that rather than using her kids as an excuse to be fat.

As I was brushing Geordie's teeth today I said that tomorrow afternoon we would go for a walk and jog.  He said "okay  Mummy :)" I asked him if he would like it if I were slimmer, and he said yes. And then he added "lets not eat anymore junk food Mummy, lets just eat healthy food." How c-u-t-e is that?!

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