Wednesday 8 January 2014

If you have the courage to begin...

... You have the courage to succeed.

Its weigh in Wednesday today and luckily for me the scale blessed the hard work I have done. A nifty loss of 1.3 kilos. Only 37 kilos to go... well maybe I shouldn't look at it that way lol.

I know that this is forever. My body needs to get most of its nutrition from fruits, veges, pulses and whole grains. There is room for treats, but not too much, or otherwise I will just end up where I left off, but with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

With a lifestyle change as big as this, it is natural to feel some withdrawal. However blogging is such a healthy way to feel good, it really makes all this easier. It helps keep me away from the tv which is a well known trigger for snacking. I eat enough food, and the sensible choices I do make help minimise cravings as well.

I'm thinking of doing something different this time around. I'm not going to rush to tell my friends that I am losing weight. I will mention that I would like to eat salads, soups and fruit and vege etc. I'll let them connect the dots.

There are several reasons why I think this is a good idea. Firstly everyone is sceptical that someone will actually lose weight. Then they don't really take the weight loss seriously until its at least 5 kilos. Then they think you will just put it back on anyway. If you become skinnier than them, they freak out because they are now the fatter person and they don't like the way the perceived hierarchy just shifted. Finally when you make it close to goal they start to freak you out that you have gone to far, even though you still have another 10 kilos left to lose. Losing weight is hard enough without people subconsciously trying to sabotage us. They will notice eventually.

Of course I still need support, but emotionally I am getting most of the emotional support I need by reflecting my thoughts into this blog. I believe that people will understand and support my desire to get healthy, I don't think they will be nearly as supportive of "dieting" and "losing weight".

I felt like a more substantial breakfast today so I had oatmeal with chia seeds, mango and blueberries.

I took a quarter cup of rolled oats, and 3 quarter cups of water. I use more water to save on milk later, but if you want it milkier you just need to put in 2 cups of water. Microwave for 90 seconds.

Add in some frozen blueberries and frozen mango. This is a cheap way to ensure you always have healthy fruit on hand. (The mango is fantastic in salads)

Add a desert spoon of chia seeds. Weight for weight they have 5 times more calcium than milk, full of fibre, omega 3 ALA, protein and a huge amount of antioxidants. They are essentially tasteless, similar to poppy seeds.

Then add a dash of milk to make it feel a bit creamy. If you feel its not sweet enough add some sultanas at the beginning with the water. The fruit sweetens the dish rather than using sugar!

Here is an awesome  list of really cool household tips and tricks. I found on Facebook. One on my favourites is when they make a phone and keys case out of a sunscreen bottle, a great disguise for when you go to the beach!

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