Thursday 2 January 2014

Best Friend Gone?

I don't know how common this is or not. I used to have this best friend that I would see 2-3 times most weeks. Three times a week or more could get a bit much so I was happier when it was about twice a week.

We were friends like that for about 5 years and then she got pregnant. She even asked me to be the one to raise it in the event of her and her husband's death,  of course I accepted. Everybody was happy for them and excited that a baby would be arriving soon. Initially I thought it would be nice to buy an electrical swing so that she would have somewhere to rest the baby when she came over for a cuppa.

I thought I would be quite useful as I was happy to come over in the middle of the night for some 4 am respite. I have had a lot of experience and I was quite generous and available and I thought it would be my time to really shine in our relationship.

As with most preconceived ideas I guess, reality turned out to be the opposite of my expectation. She went from crowding me out to fading me out. Towards the last trimester she stopped initiating any contact, but was always happy to hear from me.

I asked her several times if she was depressed, and she said that she was happy, but just wanted to stay home. The baby was born and my friend who used to love to get out of the house now only loved to stay in it. It's hard to have a friendship when they aren't ever calling you, when all the effort is one sided.

Ironically I thought I would be most useful when she had a baby. She is lucky, she has an easy baby.  Mums, babies are meant to take over your life, but try and leave a little room for yourself too.

Day one of getting down to basics. I had veggie soup for breakfast, a big salad for lunch, then the withdrawal started. Well I wouldn't have got to this size if my body wasn't good at putting up a good fight lol

I cleaned out the fridge and stocked it with lots of fruit and verges. I drank tea and rather dramatically hung out on the couch until walk time. I was actually keen for the distraction lol.

I put on my sports bra and expected to jog for 6 lots of 20 seconds which would put me at.2 minutes. But it turns out I was able to do 40 seconds fairly easily. So I ended up doing 3 mins 10 sec of jogging which I am chuffed about. 

My knee and shin are a little surprised and are reminding me that I am really heavy so if I could please take it slow they would really appreciative that. All in all a good start to my journey!

Have you seen the Ben Does Life: 120 pound weight loss journey? It is incredible. Its a short clip about this man who was sad and very overweight and gets all inspired and starts running and... well I won't spoil it, but I will let you know that you will be very glad to have watched this clip :)

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