Friday 31 January 2014

Weigh in Wednesday

Life is good. The scales showed the smallest loss it physically could: 0.1 kilos. But its a loss and I will take it.

The bus was later today which meant that I could read two books with Jules before it got there. It also made Geordie late to school. I spoke to them about maybe getting there a little earlier, and they will try but mostly its inflexible. Essentially we will have to deal with being late on Mondays and Wednesdays, Tuesdays they have less people in the bus run and get there earlier.

It was a shame we were late, as it meant that I didn't have a chance to help settle Geordie at school.  I am trying to get him to say hello to three people and he over thinks it and freezes. I tell him that social skills are more important than academic skills and that he needs to keep trying. It wasn't really possible to play the hello game this morning as all the kids were settled at their desks and (abnormally quiet lol) when we arrived.

My new timer system is going great! It helps that I have long stretches with both the kids not messing things up and time for me to clean up uninterrupted  While I would see an improvement with either system at this time, I feel that the timer pushes me a bit harder. Whcn I check off the room, it reminds me of the next job to do.

Now I am slowly sorting out the kids extra curricular time table. I got my ideal piano timeslot which is 7:15-7:45 Thursday. There are a few reasons why this is awesome. After school doesn't suit me. The kids have just spent 6 hours doing things that other people want them to do and they need a bit of flop time to recharge before it all starts again. Weekends do not suit me. We all look forward to some free time on the weekend and there are too many parties and other random events that clash with the weekend. My kids are night owls so there is plenty of time for us to put in a quick cram session, have dinner go to the lesson and even maybe swing in for some late night shopping on the way home all before bedtime (9pm). Yay!

Circus training is the one exception to the notontheweekendplease! rule. Circus is Jules' world, the only reason why we dared to something so brave was because he emanates natural talent. Its on Saturday morning so it gets everyone out of bed, and is before all the events start up anyway. It also means we have more free time after school.

I almost trialled another swimming club today. But then I realised that they don't have an indoors swimming centre so the kids would have issues swimming in the rain or when its colder. It seemed best to just stick with what we had and then change teacher when another one becomes available.

I was going to do bowling to keep the bond close with their grandparents. But now I am not so sure. Its just another thing on the to do list. I might um and ah about this one a little longer,

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