Saturday 4 January 2014

Surviving the heat wave

It is so incredibly hot today. I have never experienced anything over 40, and today is a whopping 43 degrees. The air on has brought it down to about 33 degrees inside, which is still too hot to do much. It's pretty much a survival day.

Life moves fast. It can trick you, but moments are coming.

Whether its a surprise bill, guest or broken appliance. Maybe its an illness, a friend in crisis, or you just forgot about mealtime and now your too hungry to make a sensible choice.

The only reason I am able to deal with my health is because I got ahead at Christmas time. All my shopping was done and wrapped by December. When people were getting kicked around by last minute rushes, I was planning how I was going to manage my 6 weeks of school holidays with my cherubs, on boxing day I was writing my new years resolutions. This headstart helped me tremendously.

However life moves so fast that it is important to have routines and strategies of being more prepared for it. When we fail to plan, we plan to fail.

I am starting (baby steps) to learn how to organise our food in advance and streamline what the kids and I eat. Because even though they have kid taste buds honed to carbs, they need to be eating more of what I am eating.

I felt like fruit for breakfast today, and as I was assembling a pretty platter for myself it occured to me that I should make the afternoon one up at the same time.

It turns out if you have a pretty platter of fruit, it attracts kids pretty fast ;)

While I was making up my salad for lunch today, I put out little piles of salad for the kids. They like it best if its finger food, in neat little pile with nothing touching.

Which is exactly the opposite of how I like my salad.  

This salad has garden vegetables, spinach leaves, half a can of four bean mix, a boiled potato, and a little bit of avocado. The dressing is a heaped teaspoon of tahini, small amount of honey and water with a smidgen of salt. It has filled me up!!!

Our little "I think I can, I think I can" aircon saved us today. Thankfully it didn't die or have any issues, it just had no real strength to it in the end. We just sat underneath it and sweated. Tonight will be our second night of camping out the lounge room as its the only room in the house with aircon.

We noticed that the cinemas are no longer overcrowded so we are off to see "Frozen", so appropriate right now, we could really do with some vicarious snow lol.

Come on ice monster you scare that nasty heat wave away! I want to be able to go for a walk tomorrow!!!

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