Tuesday 28 January 2014

First day back to school

It was the first day back at school today. Everyone was fairly happy about it too. I am happy to enjoy being with my kids, and I notice that each year it gets a little harder to hand them back.

The school recommended for social reasons that Jules experience taking the bus to school. He was keen to do it so we gave it a go. Jules waited patiently for the bus and seemed happy to get on. I realised that there is a lot of dead time in waiting for the bus and figured it would be a good time to read a book with him each day.

Geordie commented that it was nice to be alone together in the car. Its nice to have a bit of special time with each of them. I still pick up Jules first in the afternoon so that's my special time with him.

I have amended their lunch box routine. I have different shaped containers which each have a special type of food. There is a box for crackers, fruit, baking, sandwich and now I have added in an extra box for veggies. Having the boxes cuts down on packaging waste and price. So its a win win.

I went for a "me time shop" and bought two shirts: a jogging shirt and a black smart casual shirt :) I had bought Geordie a cheap $8 bag and I noticed that another student in his class had the same bag. To give him some individuality I bought Geordie a minecraft creeper toy key ring and drew a creeper face on his bag. Now its no longer the "cheap bag" now its the "creeper bag" :)

I got the kids swimming pants on sale and a few more lunch containers. My little shop cost $65. I took it out of my rewards fund as it is luxury shopping and thats what I wanted to buy. I now have $15 left.

This term I am trialling a new housework system. This time instead of counting items I am setting the timer for 5 mins and staying in a room. The idea is that I tick off a box when
I have done my 5 mins. Its surprising how much can get done in 5 mins, and it helps me get over my reluctance to just get in and do it. I intend to always start with the kitchen, but then check off different areas of the house.

I am also trialling structuring some themes into the work week. So its "Meal Plan Monday", where I organise the food and go for a shop. "Treat Me Tuesday" where one week I have a luxury shop and the other I spend a bit of time organising my clothes, jewellery, dyeing my hair etc". Its "Working Wednesday" where I focus on web design or spend time with Mum (which means work as that is what she does). "Organisation Thursday", where I do some paperwork, sort some files, clean out my car and handbag etc. Friday I plan to bake or garden.

I had a new idea for putting some yoga into my day. For the next week my friend and I are going to text each other when we have done a little at home yoga. The idea is to start small and build consistency. I did five poses, it didn't take long, but felt great :)

My sister was on the biggest loser again yesterday. They had a town challenge of being the first team to fill the dump trucks with the weight they town had to lose. 

Cath had this to say about it "It was hard work! But we work hard in the country and surprised them how fast we finished the challenge"

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