Sunday 26 January 2014

Getting fitter

Its Australia day weekend and we are having a quiet one. I did consider hosting a party as we have a pool, but social events are the enemy of weight loss. So I was happy to take it easy.

My friend Connor put his back out and was feeling miserable with all the chiropractors shut. So I drove over and went to the chemist to get him some antinflammatory medication and stocked him up with food so that he wouldn't have to hobble out of the apartment for food. He was very grateful and it was lovely to catch up.

I stayed a few hours so I was very happy I packed a container of grapes to nibble on. 

Eating has gone much better today :) 

Today I started the second week of the c25k! Last week I jogged for 8 x 60 seconds, this week it  was 8 x 90 seconds.  Because I am spending more time jogging. I now have to jog up more hills than before. Basically when the app says jog, you jog :) 

The interesting bit was that about 2/3 of the way through I had jogged my 90 sec and she said "walk", and I thought naaah I want to jog so I skipped the walking bit, then she said "walk" again and 1 skipped the walk again! lol So I jogged 4.5 mins straight :) Go me!

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