Saturday 18 January 2014

Oooh La La!

Last night I went up to my bedroom to read blogs and fall asleep. My current read is babe before baby (how good is that name btw). I recommend it, its a good read :)

Anyway Jason comes up and puts the moves on :) I have to say, fitter sex is so much better than hurry up we are trying to make a baby sex. I noticed how much easier it was to move my body, but I also felt like an elephant. I mean the bit that improved, highlighted how much further I had to go, but also how much BETTER everything would be when I got there :)

It occurred to me that I need to stop identifying being "someone who has to eat things just because they are there". I have had chocolate and ice cream in the house all January and its still there. Its nice to be able to have things to offer people as a treat every now and then. Now that the day of the party is here, its pretty cool that those chips are still intact (and able to be given away hee hee).

Ok so obviously I am not recommending that people have junk food in their house. But given that we don't all have a choice we need to find some strategies to help us. Firstly have lots of tempting fruit, veges and soups available so that when your in the mood for a "somethin somethin", that is the first thing you find. Hide all bad food out of sight.

We stack our biscuits and crackers in a box in the back of the linen closet. I fill a little container with crackers every school day for their lunch and if they aren't hidden, Jules will have eaten the whole packet for afternoon tea (sigh he's after my own heart), and their will be nothing to put in their lunch. Also it means that we forget about them and don't need to buy as many of them at the shops. During the holidays I don't even buy the crackers. When they are at home they can have more healthy options.

Chocolate goes in the freezer. We have a second upright freezer and it goes in the top drawer. I break it into cubes and them in click zip bags. I forget about it in there, and when I don't I only have a few cubes, frozen chocolate doesn't take long to thaw, but it slows you don't and you feel piggy having a "few portions". Perception helps. We definitely eat less of it this way than if it was sitting as a block on the counter.

Chips go in the boot of my car. Last year we used them as a reward for the kids doing well at swimming, we moved them into little click zip bags and they get them after swimming or circus. The way it works is that if they behave they get all their treat straight away otherwise during the lesson they will see me throwing some of them away. This really gets them to focus lol. When you have autistic spectrum kids you need to have some external motivation as well as intrinsic motivation for them to have a successful lesson. This is the way I did it last year, but now that I say it out loud. I might try little snack packs of tiny teddies or crackers. Its better for them than chips.

Anyway chips go in the boot, because the kids don't find them there, and that way you don't forget to take them with you to the party, swimming or whatever reason why you bought the evil things in the first place lol.

On our way to the party we stopped off at Dreamworld. You have to be prepared with food as everything for sale there is fattening and over priced. I decided to pack egg and lettuce sandwiches for lunch. Today I tried making the eggs in the mini blender. It took about 3 seconds. It was awesome). This is the  easiest way I have found so far. I don't use butter as there is plenty of fat in the eggs, I just use a little dijonaise for moisture and flavour.

Here is the food I packed for the day. Semi frozen slushi water, my frozen soup for dinner, banana bread, sandwiches and fruit.

We had a great time at Dreamworld. We have annual passes and this is the fourth time we have been there in a month. So we decided to focus on different rides and activities this time. We got the kids driving their own dodgem cars, and we played a couple of rounds of laser tag.

I also tried a very spinny ride. I didn't like it, but mostly I was afraid of feeling sick. Glad to say I can still handle it :)

It was a really good day. Then we went to the "all in one party". The first thing I did after giving everyone their presents was to heat up the soup. I expected to eat it out of the container, but in reality that would have been embarrassing. The best way was to drink it from a cup. Everyone who wasn't paying attention would think I was having a cup of tea. It made me feel so much more normal to have it this way. (Here I am looking normal, with my cup o soup lol)

The food that was on offer was quite healthy. Here is Margi (my sister-in-law) with her gorgeous berry punch. It's lemonade, apple juice and apple and black currant cordial, ice and frozen berries.

This along with my soup was a life saver. They had a fruit platter and I filled up the punch with extra ice and fruit. They had a few salads out and I had some potato salad and chicken schnitzel along with salad.

They had some chips out (Jason's chips) and everytime I went past them I literally salivated, but I didn't have one. They brought out cupcakes at the end, and again I physically reacted to them but didn't have any. The amount of times I "denied" myself today was incredible. I am glad though to realise how often we do think junk food is appropriate. I am grateful that through pre-planning I was able to make the best possible choices.

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