Sunday 26 January 2014

I failed to plan

Today is the start of a long weekend for Australia Day. I thought it would be perfect to go to Ikea and buy the trofast system which would be perfect for organising the Lego. So I jumped in the car and drove for a bit over an hour to Ikea to find that everyone else had the exact same thought. There was a queue just to get into the car park!

Luckily I had the good sense to skip the Ikea maze by short cutting back though the check outs. They were sold out! Nooooooooo! I felt like the biggest fool, I coulda shoulda checked their website :( But I didn't, and now I had to drive another hour home.

Determined not to waste the trip entirely I stopped off at Aldi to buy a pool cleaner. Yay, for the first time since we have moved in I have a fully working creepy. Ahhh its nice to have a very clean pool.

The problem with my little bit of ill planning was that I had wasted my energy. I was at the shops at one o'clock and I hadn't eaten lunch yet. This resulted on hunger shopping and poor food choices for the day.

This is what I SHOULD have said to myself today.

I did go for a swim today and gave the kids a little swimming lesson while I was there. This is something I need to keep up as they didn't progress last semester. 

One good thing about today, was that we went for another roll in the hay tonight. We are three for three with Jason getting there. Go us for having fun, rather than just trying to make a baby :)

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