Wednesday 22 January 2014

Number musing

99.9 today' I am soo happy! I am so glad that I said no to the avalanche of temptations on the weekend and knuckled down this week. Hellllloooooo double digits :) It is an awesome feeling :).

Granted, my weight is coming off slower than I hoped. I am ok with that as long as it does actually move at at least  2 kilos a month, less than that and I think I am just fooling myself.

I have been getting all inspired at the 50s women didn't get fat blog. It is helping me see more how I want to be when I get to goal.

To entertain myself along the way as it is a long road I thought I would play with some numbers.
I think around 94 kilos (8 kilos down) is when my weight will start to become noticeable to others. Around 84 kilos (18 kilos down) it will definitely be noticeable.

76 (26 kilos down) is when people might become insecure with the weight "pecking order" shifting. Hopefully I can positively motivate them to health! 69 (33 kilos down) is where some people will probably start saying that I am getting too thin. 62 (40 kilos down, goal weight) I would start being confident to show my slender midriff. I assume I will be hit with the too thin a lot then as people's get used to my new healthy weight.

Check out this portion distortion!

I ran out of cherries, grapes and berries today and so didn't have as much fruit as usual. Its was totally silly as though as I have a whole uncut watermelon there that I didn't touch. I had wraps again same as yesterday and then I experimented with some banana bread. I used 4 bananas, 1/3 cup coconut oil, cranberries, currants, dates, water and flour. I didn't need to add any sugar which I was chuffed about, but the texture could have been better, and the kids rejected it totally. So back to the drawing board on that one lol.

I sat around reading weight loss blogs today, and then I started to get stuck in to the house work. I got a plumber around to quote on changing washers in the toilets, and fixing a storm water pipe that a root busted up outside. I made some house repair goals for the year, and started decluttering. Hopefully a little structure combined with a quieter year will help me deal with the mammoth amount of work to do on my body and the house. They are both external expressions of me aren't they?

I have been reading lots of American weight loss blogs that say "Happy Hump Day". I had to google what they meant as we don't use this term in Oz. Apparently Wednesday is the hump you need to get over in the middle of the week to get closer to the weekend. In Oz "to hump" means something v-e-r-y different lol. Anyway I will be ovulating tomorrow according to my chart, soooo happy "hump" day everyone lol.

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