Friday 10 January 2014

Being a "natural"

I got up a ladder and hung up a swing and a trapeze on our tree. Jules is a natural acrobat, he does amazing things on the springfree trampoline, so we put him into circus training. Where one goes the other follows :)

Geordie had low muscle tone when he started and now he doesn't (hes the one hanging upside down in the green shirt). Natural talent had very little to do with it. Influence and persistence was what mattered.

We are on holidays now, but their training has become a part of them. I love seeing Jules swing on the trapeze, and Geordie flip upside down on the swing.

 I want to eat healthily and walk and jog for the rest of my life. When I am slim and fit enough to hold my own weight I want to join the adult circus classes, because what they are doing looks like serious fun!

The social calendar is definitely heating up. I have had two sets of families come over in two days. Today I have been rushed off my feet with going to libraries, returning the foster cats, and looking for a certain pool part. Tomorrow I am hosting a slumber party and going out for breakfast with the girls. 

Its a lot harder to eat well when you are getting socially swamped. I have done okay so far though. Breakfast was mango and blueberry porridge. Lunch was a salad sandwich with avocado on rye bread. Afternoon tea has been popcorn and a little frozen coke because I took the kids and their cousins to see "Free Birds". 

I topped up my fruit today, so I had a yummy fruit salad with yogurt for a snack.

I came home at 5:30, and it was raining so I have missed my afternoon walk. 

I thought I was going to eat really badly at dinner time, but I had some prawns and Japanese wakame salad. I also had a corneto and a cup of tea. I spent the night contacting  school books. After two shopping trips and three nights I am now about two thirds of the way through. It's like Christmas it's always more than we expect, and I like to be a bit of a perfectionist about it so I make it harder on myself than i needed to. I am very aware that I the only way to get my full mojo on, is to get through the chores.

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