Wednesday 15 January 2014

Super Fun Day

What a huge day! A few days ago Jules' belated Christmas present (they were out of stock) finally arrived. It was a basket ball hoop system.

I didn't get a chance to assemble it and Jules cracked this morning and I woke up to him trying to assemble it.

I had the time and he was rather convincing so I assembled it. It took 2 hours, but now its done and he absolutely loves it!

I had just enough time to make lunch and pack afternoon tea so we could eat healthy and save time and money on our big day out!

I had Kai and Asha today as Karen needed a sitter.  I picked them up at 12:40 and we drove to New Farm Park. I let them have a big play in the trees and playground.

Newfarm Park is easily one of the best playgrounds in Brisbane. It is right on the river and has amazing trees that are so interesting and easy to climb.

The kids absolutely love it and their body gets a workout without them even noticing.

Now that they are older, they play on equipment a little differently. Here they are standing up on the see saw rather than sitting down.

We played for about an hour and then we ate banana bread while we waited for the City Cat Ferry to arrive. The weather was mild and beautiful, perfect for a lovely little cruise on the river.

The kids all get along beautifully and they have known each other since Jules was 15 months old (he's now ten and a half). 

When we got off the ferry, we sat down to eat our fruit. I had packed cherries, red and green grapes, cut up strawberries, and blueberries. These fruits are really good on the go as there is no mess or skins to deal with . We all gobbled them up really fast. 

We were on the go again and I felt proud. Like I was living the life of a fit person who has lots of energy. (Go those regular 5 km walks!)

Kai was a life saver as he helped Jules and Geordie get changed into their swimming costumes in the mens, while I took Asha in the ladies. 

A really good tip  is to have a huge click zip bag with each kids costume in it. When they get changed they put their clothes into the bag. After they have finished swimming, you give each kid their bag with all their clothes in it. No sorting, nothing gets lost, wet or sandy. Its a brilliant system. 

Also it is a must to have really thin towels when you are carting them around all day you will be surprised how much easier it is!

Southbank has a free lagoon beach style pool right next to the river which is decadent to swim in. It has some deeper areas and lifeguards to help keep an eye on everyone. 

My kids have lots of lessons but aren't motivated to actually improve much. They tend to go through the motions a bit, rather than actually trying hard. 

Asha and Kai are very competent swimmers which was inspirational to Jules and Geordie. It helped push them to the next level. The pool challenged them as it is a much bigger with deeper areas in it than they are used to. 
After that everyone was hungry. I didn't have time in the morning to make the sandwiches so we grabbed subway. It was healthy and convenient  The fussy eaters munched away happily and it was relatively cheap. 

We took the Ferry back to the park and on the way we smelled some roses! Kai even took a picture of me, and it even turned out okay! I am liking this new lifestyle very much! 

It was such a huge day and they even wanted to stay over! Being a softie I offered to take them out tomorrow after Geordie's paediatrician appointment. (What was I saying about slowing down? - I don't think I am capable of it.)

This summer holidays the kids have had a slumber party, multiple trips to Dreamworld, seen six movies, gone skating, gone to parks, and Timezone. I think at this point my goal to "give the kids a fun summer holiday"  has been achieved, and it isn't even over yet lol! 

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