Thursday 9 January 2014

Lunch in the food court

Getting the back to school stuff isn't easy if you need to do it on the cheap. There's browsing, shopping around, and the hunting for the illusive particulars. So as we drive to the shops Geordie lets me know that its 12:30 so what's for lunch?

Oh no! I failed to plan. Three people with very different requirements in a small food court. This is going to get expensive! I managed to do ok in my pinch though. Geordie had a sushi roll and a piece of Jules' mini pizza, Jules had the rest and I managed to find a baked potato. It had some roasted meat, lean coleslaw cheese and sour cream. I said just a little bit of cheese, and no sour cream. Bonus! I got a dollar off for skipping the cream, next time I won't get any cheese at all because if that is their idea of a little bit of cheese, I know why we are all getting fat!

After lunch there were temptations galore, the kids wanted a chocolate and an icecream. I had a square of chocolate and a few spoons of frozen yogurt and did ok.

When I got home I made up a big salad. You can't see the scale, but trust me its big. It had sprouts, frozen corn and mango,  salad leaves, tomato and avocado. The dressing is soy sauce, white wine vinegar, splash sesame oil and a little bit of sugar, The whole salad took less than 5 mins to make. Fresh food fast!

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