Saturday 11 January 2014

Slumber Party

Yesterday I did my fruit shopping. Its getting a bit expensive, it was a $65 dollar shop. Seeing as we don't buy a lot of processed foods though I guess its not too bad. I picked up a case of perfect mangos for $14 dollars. I buy a kilo of frozen mangos for $9 at the supermarket. Those mangos come from god knows where, so I feel a little better about buying local mangos and freezing them myself. As a whole I have saved money here.

Today is the day of the slumber party! We are having 4 other kids come over to swim and stay the night. The kids are excited! I am excited that the lawn is getting mowed and everything is getting vaccumed. I did say not as many parties this year....
Since I have all this yummy fruit from my shop, I prepared my breakfast fruit plate, and the afternoon fruit platter at the same time. I upsized it for the extra kids. Dinner was made two nights ago, it is the simply too good to be true, diet boscaiola pasta sauce which is kid friendly :)
Preparing food early always takes a lot of the stress out of hosting a party. While I was at it I knew it was time to freeze the perfectly ripe mangos I wouldn't get around to eating. I cut of the sides of the mango and scored them. Then I slid the mango off the skin with a spoon. 

The trick to freezing the mango is to lay it flat in a click zip bag, separating the layers with baking paper.  Otherwise you would just end up with a giant mango lump which isn't very useful. I froze about a kilo of mango and had about 8 mangos left over so very happy with that.

Because of my menu planning I decided to try a new recipe I made a terriyaki shitake mushroom salad. I prepared it at the same time as I was making everyone wholegrain wrap based pizzas. They are very yummy and have a crisp base. I am proud of myself for having a salad while everyone else was having pizza. I made a huge amount and couldn't eat it all. 
Here is our slumber party set up. Half the kids are off brushing their teeth. I am going to sleep downstairs too. Otherwise they will get up at dawn and it will be hours before I even know they were awake!
Tomorrow I am going to Shorncliffe Yacht Club for breakfast! Why do I do this to myself? Because I was invited and I nearly always accept friends invitations as they are a good idea. The difference between this year and last year is that I was doing a lot of the inviting and hosting, where as now I am having people more ask to come over and invite me out. 

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