Monday 6 January 2014

Visiting home

I went to the shops and topped up my fruits and veggies today. I bought lots of yummy fruits like papaya, figs, cherries, strawberries and blueberries, as well as the ones that last longer like oranges and apples.

I made my breakfast plate and family fruit platter at the same time. I felt like more goodness so I also had a slice of brown, seedy bakery bread and put on it some avocado, cucumber, snow peas, tomato, and salad greens. I had it as an open sandwich, then I don't use as much bread.

Having lots of fruit and veggies and pulses helps fill me up, as they are full of fibre. They are full of nutrition which reduces the cravings. They taste fresh, crunchy and the more you eat them the yummier it gets! Your taste buds actually adapt like the taste of the style of food you eat.

As I enjoyed my breakfast I wondered why people don't eat like that more often. The reason has nothing to do with taste and everything to do with convenience. Fresh food goes off quickly, and you have to cut it up, wash up and discard the peels. All in all its more work than pouring milk on some cereal. 

It can seem more expensive too. You can get around this by finding a good farmers market or large fruit and veggie store. This is much better than going to supermarkets where the food is expensive and been in long term cold storage for god knows how long. If you learn how to cook more of your own meals, you will find that it is the cheapest way to feed yourself in the long term. 

Getting a good freezer is a fantastic way to save money. You can take advantage of specials by buying in bulk and freezing. Nearly everything can be frozen. You can cook a larger portion of dinners and freeze an extra meal. Leftovers in the fridge make the best quick and healthy snack.

I went to visit my parents today. They run a very successful business and they are always busy. Its been hard building a relationship with them and the kids because they are busy and my kids have aspergers and autism.

While we were up there we had a little rainforest walk, it was too hot to go for very long, but I want to come back in two months and do a much longer walk.

The walk only used to have one pathway and now it has three so its going to be nice to explore the new pathways.

The kids always love to goof off :)

Here they are swinging on a vine which was crossing the path.

We went for a little walk together with Mum and Dad gave them a play on the Grandpa mobiles. This part was really awesome.

Then we stayed for dinner and Jules wanted to rush around in Nana's house, and it really isn't that sort of place. I really wish Jules was able to interact with people more. I was a little embarrassed this visit. I think we need to practice more. Mum and Dad need to slow down to spend grandparent time, and Jules and Geordie need to be more enthusiastic with them.

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