Tuesday 21 January 2014

Suzie Homemaker

Yesterday I wanted to be very healthy, but I was feeling very lazy. So the food I ate was quick, lean and very dull. The farmers market didn't have leek so I made the broccoli, cauliflower and leek soup with onions instead. I also put in less water. This made it harder to blend smooth. I also forgot to put the ground cashews in. The flavour sucked, but it was quick, very lean, healthy and stopped my cravings. Lunch was similarly lean and bland, I had left over potato with some left over baked beans, sprouts and salad mix with no dressing. It took about 2 mins to throw together, but tasted pretty bad.

Today I felt like I needed a little dietary treat so I had my blueberry and mango. porridge with extra chia seeds for breakfast. I added in the cashews and blended it in with extra water.

Given that I had a extra time today, I decided to try and make my own wrap. In a blender I put in 1/2 cups of plain flour, and 1/2 cups of self raising flour (its flour with baking powder added to it). I added in 1/4 of a cup of macadamia oil. Any subtle oil that is stable at higher temperatures would be suitable. Olive oil isn't suitable to heat as some of the fat turns into trans fats at higher temperatures. I put in a pinch of salt, The recipe called for more oil and salt, but I am going to see if I can get away with less.

I had the dough attachment and pressed go for about 20 seconds. (Thank you Jaime Oliver for the time saving tip xox).

Then I put the lid back on and rested it for 30 mins.

I rolled the dough into a log and divided it into 12 portions.  I rolled it thinly to about 20cm (8 inches).

 I rolled the next one out while I was waiting for the first one to cook.

Heat a hot plate and place the bread on. You cook it for about as long as you cook a pancake.
Turn and cook on the other side until slightly puffed and speckled brown on the underside but still soft enough to fold

I found I had enough time to clean up a bit and prep veggies while they were cooking. I know I shouldn't have much cheese but it was a nice treat and its the highest source of calcium so I indulge every now and then. Not the brightest meal to eat though, considering tomorrow is weigh in Wednesday lol.

Serve right away or  cover and refrigerate for up to 3 days.

I was feeling a little breathless today so I laid down to rest and woke up a bit after walk time. With hands and feet stiff (I have got some undiagnosed thing that means my body doesn't quite feel right) I really didn't feel like going. Did I go? You bet your A$$ ;)

As we set off I came across three worried teenagers which had seen 2 snakes. They said they saw one, and walked around it to run into another one. I asked what colour they were, they were green and yellow. So long as it wasn't a brown snake. I kept an extra sharp look out and was fine. I know there are heaps of snakes around where I walk, but they also can feel you coming with the vibrations and hide from you.

I did my c25k jogging program, but I did the shorter loop. When I was on the way home I felt awful. I felt sick in my stomach and wasn't sure I was going to make it back up the hill.
(I felt fine half an hour later though). I am looking forward to the point in my life when all this work I am doing to get healthy pays off and I feel great. I notice my knees creak about half as much as they used to when I walk up the stairs. I wonder what weight I need to get to to ease the burden off my knees completely. Every kilo I get off my body quietly thanks me, I just can't hear it yet :)

I am loving American women didn't get fat in the 50s blog its a real breath of fresh air for a different perspective. I am considering buying her ebook as well.

Check out this 30 second ad on childhood obesity its chilling. (I found the video on the above blog ;)

And this is pretty close to my diet philosophy right now: Dont overthink your diet just eat more plants a cardiologist explains.

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