Monday 3 March 2014

Its good to have a few parties

My main objective for this year was to slow down and take care of everyone's physical and mental health. So that meant not hosting any official parties.

Well that went right out the window when I realised that Jason's birthday was about to suck!

I arranged for his friends to meet him for an hour of laser tag and arcade games. Then we went out to our favourite chinese restaurant. We ordered heaps of dishes and split the bill, including dessert it was $18 each!

Then he had a surprise net con. I made jewellery with the girls and everyone felt comfortable and stayed for the weekend. I had a really good time, and the house looks great (nothing like a good spring clean before a party).

I gained a kilo from the adventure but my house is cleaner and I am motivated to keep going.

Its a balance :)

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