Friday 28 February 2014

Trip to the Uni

The trip to uni went really well. Geordie was excited not to have to go to school. He was an angel all day. Hes my special little one :)   There was a lot of people there at orientation week so it had a very different feel :)  Its changed a lot since I went there in 1997, but somethings never change. Here he is infront of the beautiful sandstone buildings which line the great court. 
It was nice to show him a massive library, which is only one of 24 libraries the university has. Here he is sitting in a lecture hall with fold out desks. 

 Geordie's favourite parts were eating pizza and walking over the bridge.

That pizza place was there when I went to uni and I know it was there long before that too. It is still incredibly fine pizza :) and only $11 :) Gotta love university prices :)

I wish they had a bridge when I was living near the uni. I used to pay a dollar each way to get across the ferry.

 After going to the uni we headed to Chermide shopping centre to get some pearl tea. We both love that stuff :) Its nice to know someone who enjoys it as much as me.

I decided to let him build a bear. Here he is holding down the pedal while the bear stuffs.

We chose a sound to go in his hand and a strawberry scent patch. He had a choice between putting in on his tummy or on his butt.

 Hes a seven year old boy...what do  you think he chose?

That's right! And he found it absolutely hilarious x

Here he is filling out  Elmo's birth certificate. And they even have a bear promise as well. It was such a nice experience. I want to take Jules on his special Mum day :)

After that Geordie had a chance to see Jules' Autism Queensland School. He has been wanting to see it for a long time so he found that special.

Pretty nice digs :)

Jules loves the freedom of the spring free trampolines! The school has 3 of these big, beautiful tramps :)

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