Tuesday 25 February 2014

Tired, so tired

Ahhh yes, now I remember the real reason why I began walking daily. So that I would have more energy. I can't believe how lethargic I have been lately. Tommorow I am going to take Geordie out of school so that he can have a tour of The University of Queensland, or UQ. I will have a good chance to get a walk in then.

My instinct is that I am not going to get pregnant this round. I am going to obsess about it as little as possible, I really don't need a repeat of last months disaster!

I had a big chat about it with Jase, We are both scared of having another little one, its been so long since we had a baby and they do turn your life upside down. I had a big chat with Jason last night trying to determine where his head is at. He said that he wants a baby, but not as much as me, and he too worries about the same things.

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