Friday 21 February 2014

Asking for help

Wednesday I went and saw a doctor to get help with not falling pregnant. She was supportive and  ordered quite a few tests straight off the bat. She ordered an ultrasound of the pelvis, and some tests for poly cystic ovarian syndrome. At this point I don't think I have PCOS because my periods are really regular, and I don't have facial hair or acne.

The tests she ordered are: FBE, E/LFTs, TSH, FSH, LH Day 21 Progesterone, Testosterone, FAI.

That's a lot of stuff I don't know about, so I am going to take some opks and when I get the double lines go in and get the tests done. Ovulation is supposed to happen on Monday. So hopefully it does, because I don't think I can go in on Sunday lol

Part of me feels like I have an increased chance of getting pregnant now that I am starting to ask for help. However I also feel like it wont help that much, because ultimately I have to lose weight and that seems so impossible.

I have another reason to get control of my health. My blood pressure is getting too high. It was 120/92. That lower number has been high five out of seven measurements. She wanted to put a monitor on me and if it was high 30% of the time then she would put me on medication. I don't want this. I have to fix the problem not band aid it.

That said it is a problem that I need to take seriously. I have ordered a blood pressure monitor. I will be measuring daily. I have a lot of work to do on my body. I feel so lethargic lately. I would say that is largely because I haven't been doing any grand exercise. And it has been so yucky and hot.

Since I saw the doctor I have been eating really well. One of my favourite meals is my coconut veggie soup: Saute onions in stock, add in plenty of chopped cabbage and cauliflower and 1/4 cup of ground cashews. Add enough stock to cover. Add in garam masala, tumeric and a little pepper (the pepper allows your body to absorb the curcumin in the tumeric). Simmer untill veggies are done, then add in about 75 ml of light coconut milk. Blend the soup together to as smooth/chunky as you like it. Then add in some frozen corn and peas, and chopped coriander. Add a little coconut palm sugar and salt. Eat away, guilt free, Yum!

Today I had oats sweetened with sultanas, frozen mangos, frozen blueberries, chia seeds and a dash or whole soya bean milk. Lunch was about 3 cups of the soup, afternoon tea was lots of grapes, dinner was fish and veges, night snack was two cups of tea. So I am pretty happy with that. My weight is now 100.0 kilos, so I reversed most of the damage from before and I only need to lose 300 grams and I am in a new number :)

Speaking of damage... tomorrow I am going out for a girls weekend :) So I will take my boys to circus and then get dropped off at my friend Karen's, Michelle will then take us and Nikki in her car to the Gold Coast. When we arrive we will have a diy high tea, play around with make up and dressing up and then head out for dinner. After dinner we will probably have wine and a giggle and then go out for breakfast. Its going to be a naughty weekend as far as food goes, but we will survive :)

Then Margi will take me back to her house and Jason will be there aswell. We will then take the boys out to dreamworld. So its a huge weekend. Thank god I don't have too many big ones like that.

Check out Jules: "Keep talking, Im taking you very, very seriously..." lol :) --->

I have been religious with reading every day with Jules and the results are starting to pay off, its pure joy to hear him speaking more and more :)

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