Sunday 23 February 2014

The girls got away!

It has been a very busy weekend :) First we took the kids to circus :) Look at these two cuties :)

Then Jason dropped me off at at Karen J's house and Michelle came and picked us and Nikki up and off went to our mini holiday!

We laughed our heads off on the drive to the gold coast. We were telling the giggly private stories that close girls tell when no-one else is around:)

We arrived at our beautiful hotel room and then set up our afternoon tea (also my lunch :). I brought watermelon and grapes and banana bread. All the food was pretty much off the calorie scale :) So I ate a couple of bits of fruit between each treat.

An amazing afternoon tea which was so comfortable and yummy. With the wine we think it would have cost about $50 a head so we were very pleased with ourselves. And we had no time limit!

After the food we just flopped on the couch, to relax and digest lol. At this point I noticed my voice was starting to go! Too much talking! So I started to pace myself, and my voice lasted the night.

The other girls were feeling the same so I pulled out my beading box for the girls to share. Sue, Michelle and Nikki had never made jewellery before so it was a pleasure to show them how easy it is to make necklaces and earrings :) All that concentrating also gave our voices a chance to recover :)

Still full from our afternoon tea, and proud of our jewellery creations we were ready for a change of pace. We had time for a dip in the pool. Swimming at night is lovely :)

We had a shower, popped on some heels and called a cab to go to dinner.

The cab arrived almost immediately :) The girls arranged for us to go to "Outback Jacks".

That's a restaurant that pretty much only sells meat lol. That's okay, I managed to order a salad with meat :)  I had a half glass of wine, and half a serve of chips. I would have preferred to go out to a Thai restaurant. That's my idea of decadence. 'Next time gadget" lol.

A super fast cab drove us back to the hotel and we settled in for a girls move...only to discover there was no dvd player! (Who does that?)

It was probably better that way as we had a great time chatting and eventually headed off to bed.

The morning started slowly and with so many Mums used to cleaning up after other people the hotel was left immaculate! This is my lovely mother-in-law Sue, and sister-in-law Margi, you know you are close when in-laws get invited to girls getaways!

Jason gave the boys a great "guys weekend"! They didn't miss out. Gawd I love that hubby of mine!

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