Sunday 9 February 2014

Through the wringer

 Hi Everyone,

I have been gone because I have been through the "Am I, or am I not pregnant?" wringer. From about 9 days after ovulation (which is too early I know), I just want to know. It becomes fairly obsessive and time consuming. Its not fun because I spend about a week of my time there. I have learned to obsess silently. But it still does MY head in lol. So that's where I have been.

The reason it drives me so crazy is that there are only two ways to answer that question: either I get two lines on the pregnancy test which NEVER happens, or I get my period. And until one of those things happens I am in baby crazy land and it takes me a while to come down from the clouds and focus again.

This cycle was made worse by the fact that my period was two days late! So I had two more days to get hopes up and reach my full baby crazy potential.

My period came. Sigh.

I am going to see a GP this week and try and kick off some medical help.

See ya tomorrow.

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