Monday 24 February 2014

Let the tests begin!

Fertility tests got done today. The doctor wanted it to be timed for ovulation, but I am fairly sure the 21 day test is to check that you have ovulated. I saw the doctor to make sure and then got the test done today which is ovulation day.

This is easily the best work up to ovulation we have ever had. We have sperm from the 5th, 3rd and day before ovulation so its looking good. What is extra impressive is that Jason has managed to get there each time we have gone for it, even last night when he felt a bit ill.

I am grateful as for the cauliflower veggie soup I cooked up a few days ago. It is so yummy and its great to have insta-great-food available when we are hungry. I found tossing in some spinach leaves is quick, palatable, healthy and bulks it out a bit.

When I was in the doctors office I saw my father in law there and I really couldn't avoid him so I said hi and started chatting. He asked why I was at the doctors and I lied and said its because my arm hurts. (It does hurt, but that wasn't why I was there). Then my mother in law rang to worry about my heart, and recommended weight loss and physiotherapy. Thank god I didn't tell them the real reason I was there. I don't want people to wonder even more about when/if/how I will get pregnant.

I have no money and a messy house so it is officially a no shopping week. Instead I got a good book from the library and had a 2 hour nap and then went about washing sheets and tidying my room up.

Jules is getting a belly from eating too much cheese and cake after school. So I pointed to his belly and said that he is getting fat and that he needed to eat more vegetables that vegetables were the answer to weight loss. He touched my belly and seemed to be understanding that that is what I mean by fat. The next day he asks for a carrot from the fridge, there was none. He asked if the cucumber was a vegetable and I said yes that would be good for him to eat if he was hungry. He then gave it to me, I took a bite and he literally expected me to transform like magic into a slim person! LOL bless, kids keep you surprised and laughing :)

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