Sunday 2 February 2014

Sunday Runday

I spent the morning feeling tired despite having 8 1/2 hours sleep. The energy in the house was low today. Jason was sitting on the computer (where he loves to be in his spare moments) and I asked him to choose the motherboard and cpu for my new computer. Its the one part of the new computer that I can't choose for myself. It really sucks in our relationship when something that has to be done and it can only be done by Jason as he is the king of procrastination and indecisiveness!  I asked him a few times and MrLazyPassiveAggressive sneaks off to sleep again even though he had a decent sleep in already.

So in a Isn'tOurFamilyHealthyRightNow kinda way. I decided to let it go and he can sleep a lot longer than he initially expected to as I am not waking him up. He has been sleeping for 4 hours and  I am perfectly happy to let him sleep his weekend away. At least its peaceful lol.

I baked a vegan cake today. It turned out ok. Its a teff vegan cake so its never going to be amazing. But its fun to try new things. And Jules ended up eating some, so thats pretty cool. Usually any vegan baking gets totally snubbed by the kids lol.

Next time I want to try it with a cup of almonds, and only a tablespoon of coconut oil, and half teff/ half wheat. One day I will be able to make
a decent plant based cake lol.

I have been checking out a new blog today. Its called Fab Chick Gets Fit. I am enjoying her sass and that above image is from her blog.

I just went out for my jog. Its been a week since my last confession jog. So I am still on week 2. Bonus it that I didn't lose fitness and I managed to do the week 2 workout, my 4 mins 30 seconds straight jogging, and an extra 4 mins of jogging after all that was done.

I am thinking of not doing swimming lessons this term. Instead I will alternate jogging and teaching the kids to swim with Thursdays and busy weekends off. I am going to have to pump up the kids bikes as Jules is starting to struggle with keeping up with me. Geordie is my main concern. Hes not good on a bike and he doesn't go on half the runs with me. Maybe I will have to start doubling back so that I can still jog with him.

It was another friends birthday and she wanted to go bowling. I even managed to win a game. I had warned Jules about going out weeks before and he was perfect with no acting up, just some relief when I came home.

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