Saturday 1 February 2014

Still trying

Jules loves mountains and has been spending time on google earth looking at some nearby ones. So to reward him we took a drive up one:)

We were spontaneous with it. To have some food to munch we swung into the shops and got a spinach, cheese and garlic "pull-apart" bread loaf, and a huge bunch of grapes. Yum!

Here is Jason and Jules at the lookout point of Clear Mountain. 

While we were out and about, we swung by "Bullocky's Rest" which is near where we live. Jason is thinking of taking Jules there for a bike ride tomorrow. 

I knew that driving around wouldn't be Geordie's thing so we dropped him off to get spoiled by Grandma for a couple of hours. It worked out really well as everyone had a peaceful time with lots of attention spent on the kids.

When we got home we rested for a while and then I gave the kids another swimming lesson in the pool. What we do is race, with me coming up close behind them, it makes them compete and try their best, and they are so proud of themselves for winning ;)

I went out for dinner to celebrate my friend Kate's birthday. I reminded myself that I didn't have to a great dinner, it just had to be healthy. I got a salad which I quite enjoyed. It was great because I drank iced water and the whole night cost $16. There was a lot of people there and it looked like Kate had a good time. I sat next to an interesting fellow so I was happy. As nice as it is to go out, its so cosy to come home to my snuggly little family. 

After making some healthy choices today and rejecting the tempting birthday cake, I feel that I am back on the wagon. Full mojo doesn't return untill day 3 of being good, but I am definitely on the recovery from last weeks shocks. I am looking forward to lots of healthy choices, because when I "ate normally" for a few days I felt soooo sick. My body was NOT HAPPY!

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