Thursday 13 November 2014

Freedom Marathon

On the weekend we set off to NSW to go to the Freedom marathon. Its a beautiful spot in the rainforest near Nimbin. Its good to find shady spots to ride this time of year.

Here is our little set up :)

Camping is such a lovely thing to do.

Jules rode around the campsite standing on his bike and Gerodie got basic biking lessons from Jase. Chalk and cheese, but they have an amazing brotherly bond :)

<--I see this, and I think "he didn't get that from me!"
Then I think, we better get some knee and elbow pads stat!

There was a patch of burnt grass were someone There was a patch of black where someone had a fire before. It was a bit of a challenge to use the exact spot so as not to damage more grass. It was also harder with no rock ring as a wind break. So I am pretty happy with the little fire I got going.

We roasted marshmellows :)

The third room in our family tent was useful for storing our bikes safely and away from the elements.  

 Riding 5km is one thing. Riding 5km trying to keep up with Jules is completely another. He had to wait for me on occasion, but I did manage to cycle up all the hills. One of them I managed up in middle gear because my bike wouldn't change into low gear so I am happy with my effort. Here are our post event flushed faces, mine notably more pink than Jules'.

I wanted to look better in this event than I did in the Epic Family Fun ride. And I did, but pretty much only because I am lighter. I still have a very long way to go to learn to wear make up and do my hair and all that jazz. It was only a small event so there were no sports photographers, and I really didn't care. I was happy just to live in the moment. I didn't get many photos of myself because its not fun when you are obese.

 This is Geordie's first 5km family fun ride. He was so proud of himself when he finished. They gave him a sticker and he beamed with joy.

This is the start of the 45 km ride for Jason. Its a much more intimate and casual event than the epic but much more comfortable.

Here we are luxuriating while Jason wrangles with the hills. I can see the finish line from my campsite! Ahh this is the way to wait for Jase!

He's back!

Cold drink, feet up and some hot food!

(This gets you big brownie points with exhausted athletes)

After that we headed off to Ballina to see Jason's family. We were so happy with the dinner. They had two salads, watermelon, strawberries, chicken and pizza. Mostly I hoed into the salads and loved it. Jason is becoming much more nutrition conscious too which is fantastic.

Driving home again. Have to say I am so happy that all that fit into our weekend and our itty, bitty car!

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