Tuesday 9 December 2014

Let the holidays... BEGIN!!!

I am so glad that the term is over and the start of the holidays have begun. This term has been filled with healthy eating, a little too many calories, more exercise than I have done in years and so, so much Christmas shopping.

I was reflecting over my goals and I didn't make the weight related ones. I pretty much stayed stuck in the 103 kg's remarkably consistently. Still I didn't gain and I am very happy with that.

My long term goal was "To have a body which can get off the sidelines (ropes course, swimming pools, trampoline park) and enjoy what life has to offer. To be the weight and fitness which maximise my health and energy."

This I am achieving! I trampoline every Monday with the family, and it is soo much fun! Seriously it is the most fun way to burn a lot of calories :) I jump very simply and my favourite trampolines are the olympic ones as they give you more lift for your bounce :)

Cycling wise I started the term out at about 6km a week, and now I am doing about 28 km a week :) I am no longer the slowest of the five females that ride my route and I only need to shave off 20 seconds and I will be the third fastest! I am now five mins faster than Jules who used to be faster than me. I really recommend Strava. It really helps to see the progress you are making and it is so supportive with all the "Personal Bests" and "trophies" it gives you :)

Getting exercise in the school holidays is a bit harder. This morning I woke up at 7:30 and I realised that James doesn't leave for work until 9am. He sleeps for most of that, but he is in the house. Today he was awake and I asked him if he minded babysitting. Of course he didn't at all.

So I did a quick ride. It wasn't my normal hour, but it was still a good little loop. I hope to do this most days :)

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