Sunday 14 December 2014

Glasshouse Mountains Family Exploration

Considering that it was a lifestyle change that got me pregnant. It seems especially important to continue that journey.

It was a lovely cool day (got to love those Antartic Breezes), and so we could have a lazy start to our morning. We got to our destination about 10am.

We started out at Matthew Flinders Rest Area near Mt Tibrogagan. It was lovely, shady and away from civilisation. While the trees stayed looking pretty much the same the roads changed a lot over a small area.

It didn't take long for us to come upon a few obstacles. Jules was ahead of us so by the time we had caught up with him, he had walked through it. We taught Geordie the smarter method of going around it!

Soon after the puddle we came across some 4WD drivers that got stuck at the tree. In all we came across 3 different adventurers. All of those we met were very friendly.

Initially Geordie struggled with the rough terrain. But once he got his confidence up he was quick and was soon leaving me behind :)

Jason is in his element and having lots of fun :)

In some places the road got very sandy.

Mt Tibrogagan in the distance. Look at that beautiful red dirt.

We had a lovely ride. Moments of peace and togetherness.

When we got back to the Rest Area, I cut up some chilled apple and orange and pulled out a bag of salad. Exercise causes oxidation within the body and quality fruit and veggies help mitigate that.

Its is amazing how good a salad tastes straight after exercise.

We decided to have a little explore around the town of Glasshouse Mountains and grab a treat for the second part of our lunch. We got a seafood basket to share and enjoyed having some prawns, calamari, scallops, fish and a few chips.

After we got home we returned the kittens to the RSPCA and I went inactive as a foster. This is largely because of the toxiplasmosis risk, and I could also do with a break as I don't have much energy to spare these days. Although the exercise helps.

Look at those cuties! Each of those kittens is very loving would make a great pet. When we returned them the Staff were very surprised to see how calm they had become.

When we got home again, Jason and I headed out to clean up the broken glass at the bmx track. Someone had also tipped out the bin that had lots of dog poo in it.

Because of my pregnancy I ended up just supervising Jason as he tidied it all up for our boy and all the others that enjoy the skate park.

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