Sunday 17 August 2014 the drizzle

So months ago I had planned to go camping with Karen S as she wanted someone to help her go camping for the first time with her baby. 

I had packed and sorted food before I found out that it was meant to rain that weekend. Plus I had paid the whole thing (should of just paid the deposit) so we decided to chance it. Besides it doesn't tend to rain continuously. So at 6 am I get a call that baby Natalie has a fever and so she can't go. Which is true, you would be absolutely stupid to take a sick baby camping.
So we were lucky enough to set up in the almost dry. Then it drizzled continuously for 1.5 days. We still managed to get a fire going (the wood was dry) and got a great roast. The kids also settled really well. They chilled out fantastically. They spent quite a bit of time on their ipads and just were so content. I had heaps of time to read my book.  Despite the wet you can see how we still managed a serene camping trip :)

After starting to fear that we might get flooded in, the weather cleared up and we got to pack down the tent in the dry. Yay! I went for two little rides, but as a whole it was a weight loss disaster as camping = lots of snacking for me. It gets worse as we had Indian takeaway when we got home.

Time to start picking up the pieces tomorrow.

I am also in the two week weight. I spotted a little bleed a few days 5 days after ovulation which I think might be an implantation bleed. It will be interesting to see if I was right, and if little dot makes it past the period.

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