Thursday 21 August 2014


Red Witch Says Hi.

Today I found out for sure that again I am not pregnant. Its not too bad a let down this time as I had been testing for the last few days and coming up negative. My period came a few days early which is better than when its late. Hopes have time to get up higher when it is late and then you have further to fall.

Its been a rocky week so far as I crashed my car on Monday. I was on the way to observe Jules at school. So I was leaving an hour earlier than usual. I was pushed for time and I ended up eating lunch in the car. I think this distracted me, so I wont do it again. I was turning right to go on the highway and I see a flash of a blue car, and I barely have time to think I must speed up when BANG!  My back tyre is hit and the car suddenly spins around like it is in an amusement park ride.

I jump out immediately to see if everybody is alright and thank god everyone is. The cars are pretty banged up, but I have insurance and it was my fault so thats fine. A witness appeared on the scene immediatley and gave lots of empathy to the schocked victims of the crash and a tow truck was there in unbelievable speed. As far as accidents go, everyone couldn't have been nicer.

I called Jason and arranged for my mother in law to collect the kids. She means well and does her best but gets quite muddled. I am very grateful for her though, as I don't really have anyone else nearby enough to do it in an emergency.

The kids and I play the spotto game. When you see a yellow car you say "Spotto". Geordie elaborated on this and now we also have "Blinko" for a pink or purple car. "Linko" for a light blue car. "Loco" for an orange car, and "Sneezo" for a light green car.

So you can imagine the kids delight when our hire car turned out to be a Spotto!

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