Tuesday 2 September 2014

Out of routine!

The last two days have shaken me as I have been out of routine. Mum came down and I spent a few hours helping her shop for her business and we went out for lunch. We were good we had a salad. I let her know my theory about body clutter versus house clutter and she got it! Which was awesome.

That night I trialled a karate class for the kids. It wasn't the right one for us as the instructor didn't do any kicking of the pads which I feel is important. As the class was on from 6pm-7:30 I fed them early. They seemed to forget that as they wanted oven chips when they got home. That was fine except I had them too.

Yesterday I went to sports day with Jules and I spent some time filling in at the shops as it was a lunch time thing. I went to the shops starving and it was a disaster, I made some really bad choices. Then I was caught off guard for dinner. I thought I will have soup and the kids can have some oven pizza. I really must stop thinking that the kids and I can have separate dinners as I just end up having what they have and it completely sabotages me.

The last two days haven't been great items wise. I did 376 two days ago, and only 40 yesterday! When I woke up there was a nasty gain on the scale and it was hard not to let it get to me.

So today I have planned dinner early and afternoon snacks in the fridge so that we can make much better food decisions today!

Cleaning up is going well today. Trying to stay on the wagon after a bump in the road lol.

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