Monday 8 September 2014

So this is going well :)

For the last fortnight I have been focusing on getting through daily home maintainence plus a little exta to work through the backlog. Having a flexible, long term plan is working. Little day to day tasks are becoming more pleasant and effortlessly I am beginning to take on bigger tasks sooner.

Today I made an appointment to see the dietician. Not so much for weight loss as frankly I feel that I do know what I need to there. My problem is applying the knowledge, hence Operation: Organised Home is coming first.

I am seeing the dietician so that I can know the optimum pregnancy diet, particularly in regards to folate and iron. I am interested to hear how they would opitimally manage my obesity as well. I think its a good idea to start practicing now, particularly as we need so much extra sleep during pregnancy which means we are short on time.

Iron is a concern to me as I tend to run low, and I know needs for iron are high when pregnant. Infact a shortage of iron has likely prevented me from concieving. (Eeep, how much has not maintaining an organised home cost me?) I also want to increase the amount of fresh foods that the kids eat. Geordie excepted as that kid has more fibre than any of us, he is an absolute fruit bat!

I arranged for my father in law Robert to come and collect the pavers off my property as they have use for them and its time for them to have it if they are the ones with the long term plans.

I arranged for the kids to have haircuts this week. I like to do it just before the holidays as the kids need a haircut by the holidays and I never seem to want to drag them out of the house just for a haircut on a precious holiday day. Where as on the way home from school is a lot less trouble.

The most exciting thing is that my appetite of its own accord is naturally reducing. I have some preprepared cauliflower, potato, cabbage soup flavoured with light coconut milk, ground almonds and  kecap manis just sitting in the fridge waiting for me to get hungry. And get this... I am not hungry!!!! YAY!!

On the stove today is ham hock and four bean soup, I haven't made it before but I know its going to rock!

Jason is improving too, he has lost 4 kilos. Men. They find weight loss soo much easier don't they? He took Jules for a 17km bike ride on Saturday and then for his Fathers day treat he went for a long 36.2km ride by himself. He got up early though so we didn't lose too much time with him.

Fathers day with my Father in law was bowling and cake, and the with my Dad was dinner at a seafood restaurant. It was a fancy restaurant so it was actually a pretty lean meal.

So I am absolutely stoked that my instinct that house clutter is body clutter seems to have some merit!

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