Friday 26 September 2014

I need potatoes

Last week I ate a lot of beef stew with potato. This worked well because potato is a great weight loss carb. It is a vegetable which deeply satisfies and fills you up. I wasn't recording exact portions, because I didn't need to. Eating lots of vegetables was the ticket.

Yesterday I kind of forgot this and I had pasta for lunch and baked bean jaffles for dinner. When I calculated the calories they were bad and this is why:

100g of Potato is 60 calories or 251 kilojoules.
100g of Pasta is 140 calories or 584 kilojoules.
100g of Bread is 237 calories or 990 kilojoules.

I am used to a plain potato with a tiny bit of salt. If you have potatoes with lashings of fat you will get fat, but there is a big difference between chips and boiled potato. Give it time and slowly cut down the added fat, your tastebuds will change and you will reap the benefits.

Here is a 4 minute video which celebrates how awesome potatoes are. I also love how 5 kilos is $5, that is one cheap and healthy food!

Today I roasted some amazing pumpkin. I took half a pumpkin and cut it up small so it that  would roast in half an hour. Then I put it on a tray with some baking paper. I got a teaspoon of coconut oil and using a pastry brush I lightly coated the pumpkin pieces. The pumpkin had the most perfect texture and flavour. This was a good use of oil, but I needed very little :)

So this morning the scales were kind and they gave me a 100g loss. It would have been better if I hadn't had pasta and bread the same day. And better still if I had potatoes, but every now and then you have got to live a little eh? I just don't want to eat like that too often or I it will take forever to budge the scales.

The pumpkin and potato really filled me up. Later that night I just had some chicken. Today's eating has been great and I am looking forward to that showing up in the scales soon.

Today I installed a hair-drier holder and a hair straightening iron on the back of my bathroom cabinet door. Its nice for them to have have home. I have had them for about two months but they were just adding to the clutter as I hadn't installed them. Its nice to see the backlog slowly eroding :)

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