Tuesday 30 September 2014

Back on the wagon

As soon as I got away from the Hens weekend I was eating healthily. That night I had beef stew with veggies and mash potato. Yesterday the scales had me at 105.9. This is up 1.1 kilos because of the Hens Weekend. If I hadn't gone, I would have been down another 0.6. So I am actually 1.7 kilos worse off. When every gram is hard earned is is so damn frustrating to go the wrong way.

It was important to go, because it was good for Margi, Me, Jason and the boys. Really the only downside was the food. I focused on immediately getting back into the healthy mindset which was only possible as I had food cooked before I left.

I baked some Roast Pumpkin Mini Muffins:

Firstly roast pumpkin with a tiny baste of coconut oil.

Then mix:
1/2 cup of wholemeal self-raising flour, 78g 1158 kj
3/4 cup of self-raising flour, 107g, 1588kj
3/4 cup of dark brown sugar, 151g, 2476kj
Shake of cinamon and nutmeg
Grind of salt.
Puree about a cans worth of roast pumpkin, and add it in, 426g, 929 kj
2 Tablespoons coconut oil 40g, 1548 kj
2 large egg whites 68g, 134 kj
Vanilla essence
2/3 cup of sultanas, 90g 1191 kj
(997g total weight, 9029 total kj)
Made 16 small cupcakes, about 564kj each.
* 9.06kj per gram

The muffins tasted good, nice and sweet. Slightly rubbery though, so I might play with using one whole egg and one egg white next time.

Yesterday we went to Velocity Park. It is an indoor trampoline center. It was a really good work out for all involved. Regrettably I am too heavy for this at the moment, but the idea is that I should be able to do this next year.

Here is Jason giving himself a nice arm workout on the rock wall. He said his shoulders were sore the next day :)

Geordie and Jules love jumping into the foam pit. Apparently its another workout getting out of the foam pit. :)

That's Geordie jumping in -->

Jules loves to do a double front flip into the foam pit it is so cool to watch and he is so happy in his element.

I was 105.5 this morning, down 0.4 :) Such a long way to go, but nice to be plodding in the right direction :)

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