Tuesday 23 September 2014


After having the majority of the packing done the night before we check smoothly out of the hotel. Margi, Jasons sister lives in the Gold coast so we had a cup of tea with her before we headed out to Tree Top Challenge. The last time I did the ropes course was while I was getting ready for my wedding so I weighed about 88 kilos and was doing personal training. The only reason why I felt remotely like I could do it today was because of the mountain biking I have been doing lately.

I needed to do it as I didn't want to leave Jason alone with two kids. Its much safer now as they have a magnetic click-it system where it is impossible to have two clips not clicked on while you are up on the trees, you can't physically unclick one if the other is already off. Its awesome as they kids would have unclicked themselves completely a few times if not for this safeguard. That said they can be a bit fiddly at times.

Doing the ropes course at 105 kilos really sucks. I felt so heavy in my harness that it hurt quite a bit. This is the weight where things start to get nasty. I hear my knees complain, there isn't a lot of room left in dreamworld harnesses and I don't put many pictures of myself on facebook. Luckily for me the house items and prepreparing food seems to be really helpful with combating the fat monster.

Geordie and I played games and ate food from the esky while we waited for Jules and Jason to finish the red and black courses. I had a supermarket salad and some jatz. Much better than the options the cafe was offering :)

So as much as the weight on the scale is going to be up tomorrow after the holiday, it won't be as bad as it would have been!

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