Tuesday 16 September 2014

Ups and Downs

There have been a few really nice plusses from my little items adventure. I love not having to clean up for guests. The house is far from perfect, but I have had a few guests now where I haven't had to do a little panic clean just because they are coming over :)

Jason has lost 6 kilos! He is looking sexy! A lot of that motivation came from training for the epic, but still I know that clearing the house clutter is making an impact. He woudl never admit that though lol!

When I came back from camping I was nicely surprised at how neat the house was and I didn't have to go to any special effort to clean the house up before we left. That is one of the biggest stresses of camping. Firstly buying the food, then prepping it, packing everything and then cleaning up, usually to a high standard as we have neighbours coming around to feed the pets. 

James is one of our best friends and has been boarding with us for the last 6 months. He pays $170 a week board and that goes a long way to smoothing out our finances. Its been great having a build in baby and pet sitter!

He keeps a low profile, he is either sleeping, working, on a computer or out at the hackerspace. His cruisey nature makes him easy to live with. Here we have Jason at his desk and James on his. James has a very small footprint as a lot of his stuff is in storage. His stuff is at his desk or in his room. He is a great friend and boarder.

Yesterday I saw a doctor about applying to see a nutritionist. I might not get approved as I am not diabetic. It motivated me. I had a great day eating wise yesterday. I precut up fruits and made a healthy dinner and tracked everything. I gave Geordie a biking lesson, and I felt great!.

Today I was productive as well. I went for a 6km bike ride in 40 mins and averaged 9km per hour. I walked much less of the track than just 3 weeks ago and was less stuffed. I put a stew on the slow cooker and then ran out of time to cut up the fruit. It was finally time to return the hire car and get my car back. 

After spending 3k on hire car fees and excess I was glad to have my baby back. James drove along with me to help return the hire car. After I dropped him back home I had only 20 mins before I had to go to get Jules from school. Here was the problem. The stew was still cooking, I had no instant food and I felt very hungry!

Unfortunately for me I saw two packets on instant noodles and I decided to make them. In hindsight I had much better options, I could have had some baked beans on toast in less time! This is the danger of having junk food visible in the house. After I had that lousy lunch I felt defeated and low.

I got the kids their haircuts after school and the were so good I got them some treats. The kids wanted some rainbow paddle pops. I could have left it there, but instead I also saw that an apple pie was on sale. Guess what I ate half of today... And I know it was incredibly calorie laden as I haven't had much of an appetite afterwards...

Gah, got to take the good with the bad. I have been feeling a little borderline depressed over the last two months. I don't know why. Maybe its because I have gotten so fat that I am starting to feel like my appearance is limiting me. Or maybe its because I am detoxing the house which is making me deal with issues rather than hiding in a shopping centre. Or maybe I am getting  a little bored as the kids need me less. I am not sure but I think its a little of all the above. 

Keeping an eye on the bigger picture I feel things will get much better over the next few months.

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