Friday 19 September 2014

Two rides today!

As we have James to babysit, today I got up at 6 am to go for a bike ride with Jason. As discussed we left a note for Jules, saying where we were and when we would get back, and our phone numbers. He freaked out though and rang me and I said to meet us at the park. We like having Jules along, but it was nice to have some just the two of us time first. I think he mostly woke up because I warned him I would be going, usually he sleeps in until 7:45.

Then I went off to help my friend form a club and I designed them a logo. It was nice to work for the day but the meal planning and house cleaning took a hit. I had enough prepared food to get through but I am really aware that that is central to my weight loss so I don't want to let anything get in the way of that again. I let them know that I was happy to help but not until after the school holidays.

I took Geordie to the doctor to get a referral to a Friends workshop which goes for an hour and works on social skills. I also got a care plan so that he can see a psychologist as his social skills ie reluctance to say hi, being stubborn in class etc are lacking and he can use some help there.

Jules went whizzing down the hill onto the road today without looking so I am trying to help him learn to stick to the left and stop at intersections better. Its a hard thing to teach, thank god we live in a quiet area.

He went out for two rides today. On the second one he didn't hear the phone and it was getting dark and he wasn't home so I had to go out looking for him on the bike. I was reluctant to do this as I had already rode that day. He got chores as he didn't ring me to let me know that he was going to a different part of he bike track, answer the phone or make it back by dark.

Eating wise has again been good. I had a nice porridge, chai latte at the meeting. A large quinoa salad with pear, sultanas, beans, spinach, cabbage, carrot with a satay dressing.

I am going on holiday tomorrow. And I have packed food to take with us.

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